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A family-run business with over 40 years in farming, 30 years in biomass & renewables, and a long history in engineering have all been key to the success of our pyrolysis thermal combustion system. Having spent over 30 years operating, installing and servicing a wide range of biomass boilers and energy from waste plants, our development has focused on the precision two-stage pyrolysis thermal combustion of a wide range of complex and waste fuels, whilst engineering out many of the service and operation issues that operators have encountered over the years.


In our research & development, we discovered that our pyrolysis thermal combustion system was perfect for Biochar production. Our Pilot plant produces 1-tonne of Biochar per day, removing over 2.5 tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere every day. Based on 340 days (8000 hours) annual operation, 850 tonnes of CO2 are removed from the atmosphere every year, generating 850 C-Sink Carbon Credits. 


We disagree with large scale renewable energy where wood pellets are manufactured in an energy-intensive process and shipped halfway around the world to produce so-called green electrical energy in a massive centralised power plant, and it makes no sense whatsoever. The same goes for the large woodchip powered power stations where almost all the heat goes up the chimney with trucks hauling woodchip fuel over long distances producing Nox and carbon emissions. 

The Woodtek solution provides small to medium-sized power plants located adjacent to communities or industrial processes that can utilise the heat and power produced from our state of the art biochar production. If the world produces vast quantities of biomass for fuel, then every kilojoule of energy in that biomass needs to be utilised. This process has to be done with the absolute minimum amount of energy used to harvest, process and transport the fuel.
The woodtek combined heat and power biochar production plant will allow local communities, farms and sawmills to make large scale environmental beneficial natural direct air carbon capture a reality. 


Long-term sustainability combined with ecological sound management and harvesting protocol is designed to create a continuous habitat for nature to regenerate and flourish. 


Our technology centre and engineering firm are on our 100-acre family farm in Mid Wales. We source part of our biomass from small-scale thinning and harvesting stream borders and wetlands of this farmland. Currently, we are harvesting Biochar fuel from 10-12 acres and are planting to increase this to 15% of the farmland.


Woodtek Biochar has the ideal resources for the development and field trials of Biochar.

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