Mick Jones represented Woodtek Engineering Ltd at Bio360 Expo 2024, here is his video where he discussed how Woodtek is a family business with the whole family devoted to biochar. Enjoy the video where he is asked three questions answering from his experience making, developing and using Biochar through engineering and carbon farming :
What contributions are you already making towards accelerating the Biotransition?
-The Woodtek C1000 is at the price structure that works for the industry
-The Woodtek C1000 can produce Biochar for between £200-500/tonne and the business model works
-Over 1000t of Biochar from our pilot plant with nearly 1000 CORCs generated
-Eliminated artificial fertilizer from the family farm achieving the previous yield purely down to biochar and understanding the effect it has on soil health
What plans and ambitions for the future?
-Large scale up, partnering with our marketing partner Onnu is a team with the ambition to scale up
-The C1000 can work on low-grade feedstocks resulting in the C1000 projects being financially viable
What are the opportunities and challenges that you think the sector faces?
-Green waste and arisings from urban areas to produce a Biochar product for stable peat free products